Legal Informations

1. Freakkick Contact Information

Strategic advice in marketing and communication for sports players: athletes, sports organizations and advertisers.
Maxime Hatton, creator of the Freakkick brand, under a Business Project Support Contract until 07/03/23 with the incubator Astrolabe Conseil, SCOP with limited liability and variable capital – Code APE 7022Z whose head office is located at 10 rue des Prairies 75020 Paris. RCS Paris B 451 866 750. Intra-community VAT n° FR 42451866750. Variable capital.
Headquarters of Freakkick (company in the process of being created).
159 boulevard Jean Jaures 92110 Clichy
The site is the property of Freakkick and its creator Maxime Hatton.

2. Contact details of the site editor

Freakkick – Maxime Hatton

159 boulevard Jean Jaurès
92110 Clichy
Tel : 06 21 58 52 76
Mail :

3. Creation and development

1 Avenue Jean Zay
45000 Orléans

4. Contact details of the site host

The site is hosted by Gandi

Head office address: 63-65 boulevard Masséna Paris (75013) FRANCE

5. GDPR notices

Les informations recueillies par Freakkick font l’objet de traitements informatiques dans le respect de la loi du 6 janvier 1978 modifiée relative à l’informatique, aux fichiers et aux libertés, et du Règlement Général sur la Protection des Données du 27 avril 2016.

Finalité du traitement :

Les données personnelles sont collectées pour des objectifs précis, portés à la connaissance des personnes concernées. Ces données ne peuvent être utilisées ultérieurement de manière incompatible avec ces finalités.

Quels sont vos droits sur vos données personnelles ?

Vous disposez d’un droit d’accès, de rectification, de suppression, d’opposition et de limitation aux informations qui vous concernent. Pour exercer ce droit, vous pouvez vous adresser par écrit à Freakkick – 10 Rue des Prairies, 75020 Paris (avec copie d’une pièce d’identité). Sous réserve d’un manquement aux dispositions ci-dessus, vous avez le droit d’introduire une réclamation auprès de la CNIL. Vous disposez également d’un droit à la portabilité sur les données que vous nous avez communiquées, données nécessaires au contrat ou lorsque votre consentement était requis. Lorsque votre consentement a été recueilli pour le traitement de certaines données, vous pouvez retirer votre consentement au traitement de ces données à tout moment.

Durée de conservation limitée des données à caractère personnel :

Les données à caractère personnel sont conservées pendant une durée limitée qui n’excède pas la durée nécessaire aux objectifs de collecte (durée maximum de 2 ans).

Les délais de conservation des données sont portés à la connaissance des personnes, et varient selon la nature des données, la finalité des traitements, ou les exigences légales ou réglementaires, notamment en matière de délais de prescription.

Qui sont les destinataires de vos données personnelles ?
Les destinataires de vos données personnelles sont les membres de la commission d’attribution de Frerakkick.

Vos données personnelles sont-elles protégées ?

Freakkick s’engage à prendre toutes les mesures afin d’assurer la sécurité et la confidentialité des données personnelles et notamment à empêcher qu’elles ne soient endommagées, effacées ou que des tiers non autorisés y aient accès.

Par ailleurs, en cas d’incident de sécurité affectant vos données personnelles (destruction, perte, altération ou divulgation) Freakkick s’engage à respecter l’obligation de notification des violations de données personnelles, notamment auprès de la CNIL.

The information collected by Freakkick is subject to computer processing in compliance with the amended law of January 6, 1978 relating to data processing, files and freedoms, and the General Data Protection Regulations of April 27, 2016.
Purpose of processing:
Personal data is collected for specific purposes, brought to the attention of the persons concerned. These data may not be used subsequently in a manner incompatible with these purposes.
What are your rights over your personal data?
You have the right to access, rectify, delete, oppose and limit information concerning you. To exercise this right, you can write to Astrolable Conseil – 10 Rue des Prairies, 75020 Paris (with a copy of an identity document), for the attention of Maxime Hatton – Freakkick. Subject to a breach of the above provisions, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the CNIL. You also have a right to portability on the data you have communicated to us, data necessary for the contract or when your consent was required. Where your consent has been collected for the processing of certain data, you may withdraw your consent to the processing of such data at any time.
Limited retention period of personal data:
Personal data is kept for a limited period which does not exceed the period necessary for the collection purposes (maximum period of 2 years).
Data retention periods are brought to the attention of individuals, and vary according to the nature of the data, the purpose of the processing, or legal or regulatory requirements, particularly in terms of limitation periods.
Who are the recipients of your personal data?
The recipients of your personal data are the members of the Freakkick allocation committee.
Are your personal data protected?
Freakkick undertakes to take all measures to ensure the security and confidentiality of personal data and in particular to prevent it from being damaged, erased or accessed by unauthorized third parties.
Furthermore, in the event of a security incident affecting your personal data (destruction, loss, alteration or disclosure), Freakkick undertakes to comply with the obligation to notify personal data breaches, in particular to the CNIL.
What are your rights over your personal data?
You have a right of access, rectification, deletion and opposition to information concerning you. To exercise this right, you can write to Astrolabe Conseil – 10 Rue des Prairies, 75020 Paris (with a copy of an identity document), for the attention of Maxime Hatton – Freakkick.
You also have a right to portability on the data you have communicated to us, data necessary for the contract or when your consent was required.
Where your consent has been collected for the processing of certain data, you may withdraw your consent to the processing of such data at any time.
Does our site use cookies?
Our servers are not configured to collect personal information on site visitors other than the following technical data: origin of connections (access provider), IP address, type and version of browser used. Under no circumstances do we collect the e-mail address of visitors without the latter knowingly communicating it to us.
The traffic data and cookie files that we place on your computer are only intended to allow us to analyze the use of our information pages in order to improve their content. Data relating to visitor browsing is not used by name. These are aggregated statistics allowing you to know the most and least popular pages, the preferred paths, the activity levels by day of the week and by hour of the day, the main client or server errors.
We remind you that you have, in your navigation software, the possibility of blocking the installation of cookies on your computer.
By continuing to browse this site, you accept the use of cookies for audience measurement purposes.

6. Intellectual property and copyright

This entire site is subject to French and international legislation on copyright and intellectual property. All reproduction rights are reserved, including for downloadable documents and iconographic and photographic representations.
Any representation and/or reproduction and/or partial or total exploitation of this site, by any means whatsoever, without the express and prior authorization of Freakkick is prohibited and would constitute an infringement within the meaning of articles L 335-2 and following of the intellectual property code.
By way of derogation from the previous provisions and particularly for educational use, the reproduction of the texts of this site on a paper medium is authorized, subject to compliance with the following three conditions:

free distribution,
respect for the integrity of the documents reproduced: no modification or alteration of any kind, respect for copyright, clear and legible citation of the source imperatively mentioning the internet address of the site.
The logos are registered trademarks. Any representation and/or reproduction and/or partial or total use of these brands is therefore prohibited without the prior written consent of Freakkick.

The hypertext links implemented within the site to other sites and/or personal pages and in general to all existing resources on the internet cannot engage the responsibility of Freakkick.

The capture of personal information to enrich databases, for example for commercial or advertising purposes, is prohibited.

7. Messaging and sending emails

Messages you send over the Internet can be intercepted on the network. Their confidentiality can not be fully guaranteed.

Also, be careful not to unnecessarily disclose personal or sensitive information in your emails.

8. General warning

Freakkick’s services make every effort to provide website visitors with reliable and verified information.

However, despite all the care taken, the site may contain inaccuracies, lack of updates or typographical errors.

We thank the users of the site for informing us of any omissions, errors or corrections, by sending an email.